Sunday, April 22, 2012

Needing Lots of God's Love Today

"May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise..." Psalm 119:76

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Taryn Got Baptized!!!!

My little US sister got baptized not too long ago. I am so proud of the work the Lord is doing through her. This summer she takes off on her first mission trip to the Dominican Republic!

Love you Tarynsita!

Looking in the Wrong Mirror

Beauty is something we all aspire to. Its pursuit and end, however, may be misleading. Throughout my life it has been an issue of much struggle for me.  What clothes should I buy? How much should I work out? Should I diet? Am I even beautiful/attractive? Will he like me? Does someone find me attractive? Alas, it is a non-ending turmoil I am sure a lot of you identify with. The crazy thing is that despite all our attempts, no matter how hard we try, we find ourselves most of the time in the same empty place. Yes, even after 10 pairs of new shoes. Yes, even after the king of the prom asks us out.
To add on, the environment around us isn't of much help either. We are constantly bombarded by advertisements to look better and feel better. Eating disorders are more rampant than ever. I remember it even becoming a fad not too long ago.

It has got to stop though. We aren't commodities!

I really believe God holds so much worth for human life. He holds such a deep love for us. He saw his creation and thought it was good. He saw beauty in us far before we ever accepted him. I think of Jesus who endured the cross and saw the true beauty in us: a radiant bride, spotless and blameless before his eyes transformed by His love.

Praise God for His grace! Praise God for His love! Praise God for reminding me what mirror I should truly be looking in!

"And in the mirror of His love, I look at my reflection.
I accept myself for who I am with all my imperfection."

I learned this rhyme as young girl, and as a woman, I am still being perfected in His same love.

Some of the most beautiful women I know :) Love you all!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Blessed Self-Forgetfulness"
Reflections from Tim Keller's Sermon

So no more bragging about human beings! [...] I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court. I don't even judge myself. I don't feel I have done anything wrong. But that doesn't mean I'm not guilty. The Lord judges me. 1 Corinthians 3:21-4:4 (NASB)

If you are anything like me, you must often catch yourselves seeking approval. We want everyone to love us. We want them to see how great we are. We want our parents to be proud. We seek the respect of our colleagues and peers. We strive for the best education, the best cars, and look our best ultimately seeking acceptance and approval.

I have been struggling a lot in this arena of my life. I want to be the best and do my best. The sad truth of it all is because I want to be approved. I do want others to think highly of me as I blindly attempt to fill my ego's satisfaction.

"Few things in this world are as self-focused as the human ego. Every triumph and every slight has the potential to send us either into pride or despondency. Yet, in 1 Corinthians 1, Paul shows us another way: a way where we forget ourselves to the point where we not only cease caring what others think, but where we even fail to care what we think of ourselves. Instead, we rest and rejoice in what God thinks of us in Christ." Timothy Keller

I have been incredibly blessed to have so many opportunities in my life, and yet, I have felt incredibly empty and unapproved.  It is time to stop caring about what others think, but it is also time to stop caring about what I think. The verdict has already been passed the Lord has judged me.

"My beloved is mine and I am his." (Song of Solomon 2:16) Thank you Lord for accepting me and adopting me into your family. Thank you for your grace. I am yours forever.